Welcome to my long overdue blog! I have been talking about starting one for a year or so and I’m glad to finally be here! Instead of telling you all about myself now, I am just going to start and let my quirks, passions, interests, likes, and dislikes come out in time as I’m sure they will. But there is one thing to explain before I start and that's the title. My dad’s first questions after I mentioned my desire to start a blog were, “Why do you want to start a blog" and, "What do you want it be about?” Good questions! Some that everyone wants to know. To answer - I want this blog to tell about the threads that make up my tapestry, (sorry but that phrase is neat and I just had to put it in here somewhere!) or in more normal words, I want it to express the things that make up who I am. Certain ideas keep surfacing in my thoughts because they are integral and important to who I am. I call these (Since I love music…) Themes. It fits.
a. A principal melodic subject in a
musical composition.
like the musical aspect because while themes are at the heart of a work, they
are only a part of the whole. The
themes and threads that intertwine together to create me are unique. Some
themes are more prominent than others; it will not take you long to identify
these! Ok, enough on all that. You probably get the idea and I do not want
to bore you! So yes, I chose: Themes and
Expressions. “Expressions” fits well for
a blog because on here I will be expressing many things. (Simple as that!) One of the privileges we have here in this
country! There, I expressed patriotism!
cannot say how often I will post and it will most likely fluctuate, but I will
try to keep things interesting and moving.
Bear with me as I figure it all out!
I’m glad you are here!
A Song of Joy