August 31, 2012

Rain-dom Pics

Here are a couple snapshots I took out in our yard during the rain this afternoon.
I just love the rain.

This afternoon, our power went out. We had already planned on getting 
Caitlin some beef before she leaves for a whole six months without it!
 Her choice was:

Caitlin and me

Caitlin, me, Caleb, 
Catherine, bBj, GrandM, D, and 
M who took this one for me.

We enjoyed our last family meal for what will be a very long time.
Sadness and tears.

Well, I work tomorrow, so I must retire.
~ A Song of Joy  

August 29, 2012

Wild Animals and English Tradition

Hooplah to all you guys! "HUH?" Ok moving on...

So, some of you know my older sister, but even if you don't I encourage you to go on over to her new blog and check it out. She is about to spend half a year in India and she is going to be sharing her adventures with us! She is still getting it all set up, but please, go on over and check it out... you will not regret it!

Her blog is called, Of Tigers and Tea
Seems fitting for India right?

Here's a link. Just click on over and follow through her neat journey!

Of Tigers and Tea

Enjoy enjoy!

~ A Song of Joy

August 26, 2012

The Little and Not So Little Things

I know you know this. We all know it. Sometimes, though, we have to remind ourselves of things we know. It is not exactly that we forget, but perhaps we lose sight of it for a moment, or a day, before something draws our attention back to it. If you tried right now you could probably come up with a whole list of things that you occasionally need to be reminded of.

Simply put - We take things for granted.

Especially in this culture, one in which we are greatly blessed, we don't tend to take time to think about the little, or not so little, things in our lives.

I spent some time just the other day (inadvertently so) thinking about a lot of things that I usually take for granted. Here are just a few that crossed my mind.

I take for granted that the sky is blue.
I take for granted that there are clouds in the sky (white and gray) and grass on the earth.
I take for granted that creation is beautiful. Not black and white film.
I take for granted that we have other people we can be around and have relationships with.
I take for granted that I'm alive. Moreover, that I'm alive mentally and spiritually as well as physically.
I take for granted that I can create things. (Ideas, art, etc.)
I take for granted that I need never fear.
I take for granted that I all my needs are known before I know them, by a God who is able to supply them.
I take for granted a next breath, day, and year.
I take for granted my ability to worship God openly.
I take for granted having those I love in my life and the days I have with them.

I could go on and on. Isn't it sad that I can keep on thinking of things that I am not grateful enough for, things that I presumptuously expect?

It is wrong, and I say this not to praise my faults and sin, but in order to point out how easy it is to fall into this way of thinking.

I never did a follow up post to my one on Psalm 19, but now I just connected a dot.

Verse 13
"Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me!"

In context, I think this verse is specifically talking about the sin of presuming to know better than God, because the verse before asks the question, "Who can discern his errors?" and the passage before is about the law of the Lord. But, isn't this also one of those sins; when we presume to know what we need, or literally, presume on the grace of God?

I love the way that verse is worded because it is so adamant. David speaks so strongly, "let them not have dominion over me!" Do not let those sins rule me, or have power over me. And once again, David convicts me through his example. He wants a clean heart and is willing to root out sin.

My older sister is preparing to leave on a trip to India for six months. I know there will be many things for her that she will have to grow used to; clothes, food, practices, language, and many many other things. She will learn to adapt and hopefully it will cause her to be more grateful for the things she has access to here.

That is one of the things I was getting at earlier. We do not spend our time being grateful. We do not naturally thank God or others for the wonderful blessings we have and yet, we would have nothing apart from Him and His goodness. So I encourage you, tomorrow, today, whenever it is, take time to thank God. Take time to see life through a different lens. Change your perspective on a rainy day, or an unusual circumstance. Take time to see the blue sky and the details of creation. Let your thankfulness for the greatest gift God could give, salvation through His Son, tint every thought and every word that passes your lips. Smile knowing that God has given us much. Be a good example of a Christ bearer, one who is able to take time for the little, or not so little things that many people miss.
Thank God. Be grateful.

~ A Song of Joy  

August 22, 2012

A Smattering of Life and a Thought of the Heavens

So what have I been up to? Well, working at my job and other normal things. But let me share the more interesting things.

I'm learning a Beethoven sonata. The moonlight sonata to be exact. Both the first and the third movements. Many people play the first movement, but I think it should probably not be learned until the performer is capable of the third as well... or at least that is what my teacher told me once. Now all I have to do is make sure it is fine with my currant teacher for me to officially learn this sonata this semester. I think he'll be fine with it.

Today, I pulled out my Disney music and cranked up A Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Mary Poppins, and others while I thoroughly cleaned my room. All summer long I have left one pile of winter clothes on the back of my chair. Doom and Shame! I can hardly bring myself to admit it, but so it was, and so it shall not be again! I determined that on my day off I would forever banish this pile from my kingdom. Strangely enough, shortly after that pile disappeared, a mysterious "iron" stack made it's debut downstairs and now awaits my attention, sigh. But at the very least this stack is NOT on the back of my chair, so that is progress.

Our piano got tuned today which definitely made my day better than it would have been otherwise. My dad teased me saying that it was my early birthday present!

I have been picking out one of my favorite Michael Buble songs, "Lost." I hope to get it all written down before too long. I figured out the rest of the chords today, now I have to get it down on paper as closely as I can to the way it sounds. Which takes some doing.

I am also working on some themes to put in a piano trio I am hoping to arrange for my dear friend Abby. I know that will take quite a while to finish and I am still at the very beginning stages, but a start is a start.

Today, I ran my last few miles as an 18 year old. I'm training for a half-marathon in October.
Here are some of my thoughts on the verses I have been memorizing as I run.

Psalm 19:1-6

The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
(God's glory is shown at all times through His own creation; the heavens.)

Day to day pours out speech and night to night reveals knowledge.
(The heavens have a message both in the day and also at night. There is no break from it.)

There is no speech nor are there words whose voice is not heard.
(The voice of the heavens is heard and will always be heard even to the end of the world.)

Their measuring line goes out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.
(It is a constant witness to the glory of God.)

In them He has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber and, like a strong man, runs it's course with joy.
(The running it's course with joy part I'm afraid I tend to take slightly out of context and apply to me running with joy... buy hey, a strong man runs his course with joy. I want to be like that.)

It's rising is from the end of the heavens and it's circuit to the end of them and there is nothing hidden from it's heat.

I know I sometimes forget all the things God has done for me, but I have a constant witness if I will only think of it that way. There is no getting away from sky. It is always there, so I need to change my perspective to one where I link even a glimpse of the sky to God's glory.

"The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork." Psalm 19:1

~ A Song of Joy

August 11, 2012

Movie Nights and Get Togethers

Monday night I set up Facebook with a couple friends. Oh and add Frozen Yogurt into the mix!

Me, Alyssa, Emma C. and Hope
Obviously Alyssa is keeping us entertained! Typical!

Tuesday after work, I went to a movie with my sisters. TDKR again. What can I say? Caitlin had not seen it yet. :D

Wednesday night, I went over to Abby's and watched The Two Towers with her for her first time. That was a lot of fun. Oh, did I mention it was the extended edition? That's the only way to go... why watch the other? I did try once to watch The Fellowship the short way. It didn't work so well, because I was always interrupting with a, "NO! Actually right there, it shows -----." or "WAIT! There was more to that!" I think you get the picture.

Overall, we three girls had a wonderful time! Oh, and there was Ice Cream! Our fav!

 Caitlin, Abby, and Me

Longtime Friends!

Our last time to hang out before she leaves for college. 

Thursday night I went over to another friend's house and we watched Anne of Green Gables.

I don't have any pictures of that, but we had a loverly tea-party in her living room.
Also it was fun because I got to see Lauren again! She also is about to leave for college.


But at least I have another week with her.
She introduced me to the Anne of Green Gables movies several years back.
Man what I was missing before then! ;)

Last night, my Dad found pleasure in teasing me about watching more movies...
And, NO I didn't! Unless the Olympics counts. And that wasn't my fault.
They were on downstairs and I did employ myself with other things while I watched.
If that is not worth something than what is? I mean really! Maybe I should get a medal! Haha!

Today, I have to get back on the treadmill and I know it will be hard, but I don't want to miss a day.
This seems to be the hard part about taking their scheduled days off; coming back!

Oh, and one last thing!

Lauren is having a giveaway! Go check it out! It looks FABULOUS!

Have a great day and weekend!
~ A Song of Joy

August 6, 2012

Up and Away

Well, that's where I feel like I've been. Up and away and anywhere but here to post. Sorry for anyone who was dedicated enough to check over the last however long for a word from me... if there are even any of you out there ;) I actually don't have much time now, but a couple reasons for my silence.

 The Olympics have stolen my life
-enough said-

My new job

Not so much these as those who wear them...
All those people who are also known as my
friends and are about to leave for college

*Teardrop* I don't want them to go... :(

It's life.

Oh, and training *coughcough* if you can call it such
for a half-marathon.

Church, Chores, Cosby
(yeah, so tech, I could have written a post earlier)

Arranging music... like Michael Buble! Oh yeah!

So there you have it. Things that have kept me up and away.

Maybe I'll have a better post for you before long.

Thanks to all who actually care to read!
~ A Song of Joy