July 12, 2012

A Day of Diligence

Starting the day off right.

Starbucks and Trusty my turtle.

Ok, so it's not even coffee, as I don't like coffee, but the Hot Chocolate was great as was the company. ;)  That's actually the second time I've been this week, both times to meet other people. That's a whole lot for me!
After having that as a wonderful day starter, I headed home and spent some time reading in Proverbs. Why Proverbs?  Well, because I have been reading one chapter a day along with my usual reading and I have felt like the last couple ones have been so packed full of gems that I have not had enough time to meditate on it all.  So today I only spent time in Proverbs.  I actually made a list of all the verses that talk about a righteous person.  There were a ton in just a few chapters.  Maybe I'll post that sometime soon. I found it very encouraging.  For today, though, I wanted to keep in mind the ones that talk about diligence while I worked around here.

Here is a sample of today:

 Doing laundry with homemade soap! We're trying it out and I like it.

A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:4

 Packing tea... it just wouldn't be vacation without it! (the water is for hydration purposes)
Getting started on an arr. Sloppy I know, but this was just to get a couple kinks worked out on this one section. The rest I'll probably put straight into the computer.  It takes too long to hand-write so I typically just learn it then put it into my writing software.

He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame. Proverbs 10:5

 Wrapping a late gift...
It turned out cute... if I do say so myself! Hey, I'd wanna open it!

The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and toil adds nothing to it. Proverbs 10:22

 Packing/gathering things
And some late night cleaning and handwashing.

Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death. Proverbs 11:4

Ok so I love how even tough we are instructed to be diligent and diligence leads to riches, we are reminded that all blessings are from the Lord. He is the giver of all good things. None of our work will cause more good to come to us. Strange thought, huh? Now, that does not mean that we should not work, in fact, when we are diligent, God gives blessings, which can mean riches... sometimes. But riches will not do us any good when we have to stand before the Lord our Creator. Only righteousness will deliver us from death and we can ONLY have righteousness through Jesus Christ.

Tonight I also got to go out to our church and serve in the kitchen along with others to provide a meal for all those who are on our local missions trip this week. It's called "Scatter" and involves not only youth, but college students, and adults as well. I like how the whole church gets involved through providing "host homes," meals, and transportation.

So I went out and served dinner and helped clean up afterwards. It was great to hear an update from the different teams and to worship with them after dinner. If we were not heading out of town I would be right there with them... but that was not to be this year. Maybe next.

We are gonna try to all be packed by noon tomorrow... I kinda doubt it'll happen, but who knows? There's always room for a first! Right?

I'll certainly be aiming for that... which reminds me, I still have laundry (not the towels either, just in case you were wondering) in the dryer. I should probably go check it.

~ A Song of Joy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joy! I absolutely love the new design and font! And the pictures are a major bonus! I hope you all have a lovely vacation!
