December 21, 2012

The End of What?

My intro will be short, but I do feel I should tell you how sorry I am for my long absence. I do not, however, have the time to explain the many reasons. For now, I will just say that I have the flu and it has kept me occupied since Sunday.

What got me back on here?

Well, I watched part of The Green Lantern with my Dad a few minutes ago. I had never seen it before and didn't know anything about it. In it, the evil feeds off of the fear of others.

So that was kind of running through my head when I went in to check on my little sis who is also sick. She mentioned that tomorrow is or should I say, some people think it might be, "the end of the world."

I couldn't help but wonder how many people are living in fear right now. Fear that their lives will end. Or simply in fear of the unknown.

I don't particularly have a profound thought or a special way to say this, but I am so thankful that my life is not dependent on the intulectual abilities of the Mayans and their calendars.

I know that my life is solely in the hands of a kind and loving, all-knowing, caregiver. God holds my life and nothing can pluck me out of His hands.

Fear is not something I have to live under. And it does not have power over me. Sometimes I fall into it, it can be very easy, but I know that Christ has overcome evil.

"My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand." John 10:27-29
"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
These verses came to mind. They talk about God's protection over His children. How comforting it is to know that God is protecting me.

Anyway, to wrap up this short post, I was just thinking, what am I fearing? Maybe not death, ultimately, but what day to day "little" things do I fear?

God will still hold me in His hand whether the world ends tomorrow or not.
(fyi, I don't believe it will because of the Mayans)

But I have been thinking how important it is not to let fear take hold of us. We do not have to fear the unknown. And so all I would say in closing would be this, if tomorrow is the end of anything, make it the end of fear in your life.

~ A Song of Joy

November 6, 2012

Plodding and Plotting

Writing furiously these days. Practicing feverishly, working diligently, sleeping deeply. And living in between.

I know life gets busy. I know that we get older and time doesn't stop.
Lately I have had a taste of this.
It reminds me of Junior Year. Horrible, in terms of business.

One thing crowds out another. I spend my time between projects making mental lists of all the things I need to do. Funny. I have been learning how to prioritize. I have to. There really is no other way. All I can do is decide what has to be done next, and do it right then. My life is a constant "now." I realize that all of life is, but being in the stage has caused me to recognize more vividly what that means. Sometimes, we can put off the "now" until another "now," but I don't have any other time except "nows." Moment by moment. Anyway, back to what I was trying to say. Prioritizing. Yes. It is funny that while prioritizing is a good thing (and now necessary) it does have a problem.

See, I have had a list of things to do. It's a running list, if you wondered. One day I might put it on paper and cross off the things I get to. The things that are left get added to the next one, whether it be mental or physical. It works well until you realize that there are a couple things that never even get close to being done, because they always fall below other things. For example, I have to clean one of our bathrooms. It needs to be done, but practicing is more important. Washing my uniforms is more important. Going to a rehearsal is more important. Those are things I have to do, and so, cleaning the bathroom gets pushed to the bottom of the list. Ok, so that is just the way it works, right? Well, when several weeks or a month passes and there has never been time to reach the bottom of the list on ANY day, then there is a problem.

It has to be done, still in a way, it still falls behind something else. It is just always there. It becomes a permanent fixture. It hangs over, and drags along.

Well, last night, I sacrificed.
I had to.
It is part of prioritizing.

So... I cleaned the bathroom. It took me an hour, but it was done, and by golly it was done well. I cleaned my room too. It took me a while, but I always enjoy that especially when I can turn on music.

I can't even express to you how much better, Physically, I felt after completing those tasks.
I slept better. I wrote better. And all of today has been better knowing that things were in order at home. I knew I would not feel oppressed when I walked in my room. I knew that my clothes would be hanging up and I would not have to search for anything.

I mean, it is probably why I am on here. I had something else (far more important) planned to do, but I just enjoy sitting in a clean room so much that I feel that I can actually take a moment to write. I'll get to the other in a minute, which means I need to move on.

So, I guess I was just thinking how important it will be for me someday to keep my house in order. It provides stability. It diminishes stress. It provides more optimism. It helps so much of life.

Sometimes the little things do.

Wow, this has been boring so far. I have been rambling on as I might in a journal. Sorry to any who are still reading this.

On a different note, today I did not vote. I saw many stickers on many people at work, but I was not wearing one today because I voted early last week. It was my first presidential. A milestone has been passed! We'll have to see if anyone I voted for wins. So far my track record has not been good. Every issue I have voted on has not gone the way I wanted. Of course I have only voted once on two issues, but still... I hope tonight goes more favorably.

As to nano, I am doing my best to hang in there. I'm currently behind, but the writing is going well and as of the third day in, when I changed my writing perspective, I have not had any more problems. I do not feel constrained, and though I do not know where the story will go, that is kind of the fun of it. Each time I sit down, I get to decide how I want things to go. That is actually a freedom that I didn't enjoy last year. Also, I feel like, though I may be writing less, what I am writing is actually better this year. I am not so focused on the word count that I rush myself. I actually enjoy it and think that there might actually be some left after I edit it! Haha!

Anyway, Perseverance. Time. Sanity. and Sleep. are the things I could use right now.
Plodding along!

Have a good week!
~ A Song of Joy

November 3, 2012

Two Days In... With Glazed Eyes

A Short update here...

I REALLY don't know what I was thinking!

I'm only 1500 words in, so officially a little over a day behind, but I am not going to give up without a fight. I've been behind before.

This year will just have to be different.

And I am making myself keep my priorities straight.
Which unfortunately means that nano is not at the top of my list.

I WILL practice real, solid practices.
I WILL work the hours I am scheduled.
I WILL recover and sleep in healthy doses.
I WILL (eventually) come up with a plot.
I WILL have fun and drink tea... LOTS

I WILL NOT let Facebook, Youtube, Blogger, or Pinterest distract me.
I WILL NOT permit my inner editor to escape and run rampant.
I WILL NOT completely sacrifice my sanity.
I WILL NOT give up without a fight.
I WILL NOT forget my family.

A few things to keep in mind.
There are probably more, but it is late and my eyes are glazing over...
Goodnight to all!

~ A Song of Joy

October 30, 2012

Preface to November

Alrighty dighty...

So, I anticipated writing a post about this time expressing my regrets regarding my inability to do NaNoWriMo this year, however, I am actually here to say...



"Call me crazy, call me irresponsible, but... WHAT a testimony!"
~Adventures in Odyssey
(for my sis...;)

I apologize for any who don't get that and now I return you to my previous thought...

Yes, I am crazy.
I know.

I only have a full time job, an intense practice schedule, 
and a desire to recover from Mono...
That doesn't sound like enough does it?
I mean, what is life without a challenge!?


It'll be fun.

MOST Definitely!

Where am I in all of this, and what do I intend to do?

"Well I'll tell you... I don't know!"
~Fiddler on the Roof

I have some characters...
A partial setting...
A few motifs...
A sort of general theme...
And a few vague ideas...

So, now all I need is a plot!

That's the easy part right?
Well, I hope so.
I am NOT, I repeat, NOT the type to fly by the seat of my pants,
but this year, flying might be a necessity.

Right now I am frantically trying to brainstorm and do character sketches.
It's fun. I'm already loving getting back into it!

Cannot wait for this month!

Lastly, I encourage you, if you have something to say, view this month as a perfect opportunity to say it. Be creative. And most importantly remember...

IT IS NOT TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!

If you will not budge and take the first step this year but are interested, then get on the NaNo site and keep up so that you can be ready for next November!
Here is a link:

*Freaking out that the NaNo timer is down to 1 day!*
~ A Song of Joy

October 27, 2012

A Soundtrack for Saturday

I could choose a favorite score just about as easily as I could choose a favorite finger...
or hair... or something along those lines,
but here is one for you to enjoy.

"Concerning Hobbits..." TLOTR

So we are at the end of this week.
It has passed me by quickly.

I have, at least, given you a taste of various music that inspires me in some way.
Music I enjoy or that moves me.


Music is a joy of life.

Always make time for it...

unless you are like me,

Then you must make time for other things.

~ A Song of Joy   

A Favorite for Friday

(I simply didn't get on here yesterday, even though I had this written!)

I've listened to Phil Keaggy all my life. I remember my Dad playing it on his speakers while he worked in his office and I have always loved it. There was a period of time when I listened to the CD over and over again. This track became one of my favorites and has remained so.

There are many different emotions this song can conjure up in me; peace, sorrow, resignation, content, and quiet joy are just a few. I have fallen asleep listening to this song, almost like a lullaby.

As Warm As Tears

~ A Song of Joy

October 25, 2012

A Theme for Thursday

I don't think there is much for me to introduce on this one. I fell in love with it. Haven't seen the movie, but this makes me want to if anything could!

~ A Song of Joy

October 24, 2012

A Waltz for Wednesday

Here is a waltz for today. There are so many to choose from, but in the end I just had to go with one.
This is The Second Waltz by Dmitri Shostakovich
It makes me want to dance!

On a different note, I wanted to let y'all know that I have come down with mono. I was diagnosed on Monday after work. Before you freak out, though, it is a mild case and I have not had any fever with it. I am well enough to work some this week, but I have had to cut down my hours. Really, the only way someone else could get it from me was if they ate after me and even then it is not always the case. Basically, I don't feel any worse than the day before we found out, but I have been very tired of late and this explains why. Please pray for me if you think about it. I hope that I will be able to knock it out now and not have to deal with it later. Honestly, now is not a very good time to come down with it, (not that any time is) but especially now when I am very busy.

On the bright side, this may mean that I will post more! Haha!

~ A Song of Joy

Btw... I am sorry this came at the end of the day.

October 23, 2012

A Tune for Tuesday

I had not picked out a video for today, but it just so happens that this afternoon I came across a more modern "tune" to share. While I'm not into a lot of modern groups, I have most definitely heard this song quite a number of times before. I must say, though, that I have never seen it done like this.

Y'all enjoy!

(Emma, this post should make you very happy!) 

Creativity... for sure!!!
I just LOVE it!

~ A Song of Joy

October 22, 2012

A Musical for Monday

So, I figure you probably all know of The Little Mermaid, but how many of you know the Broadway version? To be honest when Caitlin and I stumbled across it a year or so back we went crazy over it! There are some great numbers that are not part of the movie version and while I might like to share an "old favorite" such as Part of Your World, I think I'd rather introduce you to the new songs from the Broadway Musical. There are several I just love. Alan Menken is *AMAZING* I have had a hard time narrowing it down, but here's what I've got.

I chose this one because it gives you a taste of several voices and it is also such a great song that lets you in on the thoughts of the main characters. Setting wise, keep in mind that this is towards the end of the musical when all is falling apart and time is running out. It is before the solution has made itself known.

Ariel sings first, then Eric, Sebastian, and Triton


Aannnd, for a more fun side...

I must admit that this one is so catchy and fun that I have, on numerous occasions, cranked it up on my Bose speakers and had a blast both singing and dancing to it!

If you could only see me and my sisters with this one!
I love the harmonies, and isn't Flounder's voice SO cute?

~ A Song of Joy

October 21, 2012

Song for Sunday

Hello to all! I am sorry about the scarcity of my posts of late. I could not believe it had been so long since my last post. I guess the first reason I was so surprised was because I have worked on several posts that have not, as of yet, seen the light! And also because, well, time flies! I am finding myself awestruck that October is well underway and will very shortly be over. That may be just me that feels this way, but after spending an entire week in bed and the next two weeks recovering from sickness, well, time has seemed to escape. I feel like those weeks should still be mine to live and experience, which leads me to something I will just mention in passing. Honestly, that feeling shows how possessive I tend to be about time. I am not promised another day, and what I do have is not to be used just for me.

God is... ALWAYS in control.
He is NEVER changing.

He holds time. He controls sickness and health, and who am I to think I should or shouldn't be sick, or should or shouldn't have more time.

Ok, passing thought. I did not get on here to write about that, just thought it was worth putting down.

So, really, I wanted to share some music with you this week.
What is life without music anyway?

Or in the words of Lumiere,
"What is dinner without a little... music?!"

So, here is the first piece for you.

This is My Word by Pepper Choplin

This particular video is of an arrangement of this piece, but the words are on the screen. If you want to hear the original, I am sure you can find it on youtube somewhere as well!

"And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty, 
it will bless the earth wherever it is heard, this is my Word."

"And you shall go out in JOY and be led forth in peace,
and the hills will break before you into song,
so be faithful, brave, and true, and I will go before you,
and when your earthly journey here is done,
I'll say well done."

~ A Song of Joy

October 8, 2012

Fishy Vans, or is it... Soccar Whales?

Isn't it easy to put people into groups? Oh, they are the ones who...

I even found myself doing this today. I sat in our van with several of my siblings waiting on my mom to come out of the grocery store. As we sat there, we began categorizing the people who typically drive Monster SUVs. (I began the conversation) Well, the kind of people who drive those cars are the "private school people" or the "soccer moms" or the drivers of those vehicles are the ones who speed, run up behind you, etc. Not all of the above were said, but I'm fleshing it out a bit.

While some of those things may be true, it struck me how easy it is to classify entire groups of people based on any one thing, the car they drive or the place they live or work. We so often begin speculating on other issues, instead of simply making an observation or giving an opinion and moving on.

Why do I bring this up? Because it is a good segway into another topic brought up earlier by my pastor in his sermon on Jonah.

He asked the question, "Who do you think is least likely to be saved?" (I may not have the quote exact.) Take a sec to think about who in your life might be "that person."
Here is what he went on to say.

Is God's arm too short for them?

It was an interesting question to me because of course when asked, I would promptly answer that no, God can save whomever he will, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how easy it is to act like God won't choose to save "that person." How can we know the mind of the Lord? Yet, don't we kind of make up our minds that some people are just not likely to be saved? We just kind of go about our lives with the attitude that they are just probably not the ones that will change.

How proud we are!
How LIKE Jonah we are!

We sometimes act as if we do not want the Good News to go forth. I mean, those people are misinformed. (wrong, bad, proud, etc. fill in your own word) They surely wouldn't repent or anything. They are the ones who deserve punishment.

But my friends, do not forget that so did we.

We deserve hell and condemnation.
We do NOT deserve mercy.

Yet God has plucked us from our sin and chosen to change us.

His arm is not too short!

He changed the hearts of the people in an entire city. He can change that one person you know. Have faith in the God we serve and do not put your limitations on Him. Remember that He is compassionate and He does not change.

October 6, 2012

A Nice Day

It was such a nice day here. Nice, because of the rain. Nice because of the coolness. Nice because I was able to get out of the house to enjoy it.

It was nice for other reasons too, but there was just something so pleasant about the picture today left in my mind. Not to say, of course, that the day is over, but a snapshot of today is still in my mind.

This snapshot, I'm afraid, I did not capture on my camera, so I will have to write it for you.

The moment I am thinking about, was a moment at work. I was able to go back in for the first time in a full week. The day was cool. Some people would say cold, but I would just say chilly. It is the first day that, to me, has really felt like Fall. Oh, yes, there have been other days with a hint of it in the air, but today really felt it. I mean, not only in temperature, but with wind and rain.

So, I was standing in Chick-fil-a behind the counter and I looked outside. It was all dark and the rain was coming down in sheets. Our lights next to the window looked so cozy and cheery, and everyone around me seemed pleasant and cheerful as well, both customers and employees. I know I am biased, but I just thought how nice it was to be in a pleasant place on this kind of day.

Now, I like the rain. I like it just about any time it decides to show up, but today, it just felt right. And I like it even better on those days.

This late afternoon/early evening-ish after I got home from work, Catherine and I decided to bake.

No Roll Sugar Cookies
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup confectioners' sugar
1 egg
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

>    Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease baking sheets.
>    Cream butter or margarine, shortening, white sugar and confectioners' sugar together until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg and the vanilla.
>    Sift the flour, baking soda, salt and cream of tartar together. Add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture and blend.
>    Shape dough into walnut-sized balls and place on the prepared baking sheets. Dip a glass in white sugar and press balls flat. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) for 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned.

I was caught in the act...
What else can I say?

Enjoying the Michal Buble playing... 

Thankfully, though, our cookies turned out fantastically!!! 
I think it must be due to the REAL chef's work!
Catherine kept me on target!!!
She'll make a great pastry chef someday!

We had lots of fun! Cranked up the Buble and hopped too it!
It was nice...

~ A Song of Joy

October 5, 2012

More on NaNo

Ok, so I had a question about NaNoWriMo, so let me clarify...

1. Winning is another phrase for finishing your 50K word novel in the 30 allotted days.
2. No one sends you a box full of goodies when you win... but you do get:
     a. A NOVEL!!!!!
     b. Bragging rights of afore mentioned novel.
     c. Experience
     d. Access to wonderful "perks" compliments of the Office of Letters and Light
        (who sponsor NaNo)
        These include discounts on writing software, web badges, and things like that.
     e. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...
3. No one reads your work except you... and those you choose to let see it.
      Side note here: I have not let anyone read my novel from last year
      (please don't anyone throw tomatoes...!)
      I'm just saying it can be as private as you want.
4. You can write about anything you want. The only requirement is that you set up an account so
      that you can validate your novel before the last day ticks away.
5. It is kinda on the honor system. You could technically lie or cheat, fairly easily, but to what
      end? I mean, the prize is the novel, so it why go to the trouble of pretending?
6. Everyone who has something to say should try this!!!
7. NaNo is fun, and a great learning experience!

 Any more questions??? Anyone? Just leave a comment! :)
Or check out the NaNoWriMo website!

~ A Song of Joy

A Piece of the Past

So, I have a sinus infection. Yeah... not fun. I've been in bed a lot and have missed all week at work! I didn't get to sleep until after 4am last night and I slept most of today. But what I wanted to tell you has to do with something I thought about while laying awake last night.

For some strange reason I got the song, "Hush Little Baby Don't Say A Word" (one on an old cassette tape I used to listen to before bed) going through my head. I was not able to remember all the words. I only ever half listened to it anyway. So for a while I grasped at bits and pieces, splicing them together at random until I threw up my mental hands. Immediately following that action, however, came a genius revelation; "I should just make up my own rhymes!" It couldn't be that hard, I thought. The pattern was simple enough, and so I rested filling my mind with ridiculous half rhyming nonsense. I did eventually drift off, but I must say that all throughout my day I have had that lady's voice constantly running, somewhere underneath the ever flowing current of events and thoughts, filling my sub-conscience with farmyard creatures and tragically broken items.

Funny what a piece of childhood can do when it pops up years later...
And all that was without a fever too!!

It is rather traumatic for a children's song if you ask me!

Anyway, I hope your day is NOT filled with all the horrible things that happen in that song.

~ A Song of Joy

October 2, 2012

What October Has Brought

I love Fall weather. And it has been slowly finding its way to my little part of the world. Today, I did take a few minutes to step outside and I was surprised to find that it was actually a bit cool out. I think I am beginning to convince myself that Fall is really here!

But, with Fall, comes the sick season... and that has already found its way to my house and my bedroom.

I am sick.

I suppose you might have guessed that by now. Caleb and Catherine have been sick for a while, and though I have been in "prevention mode" I still managed to come down with a nasty sore throat.

Sunday afternoon I knew that I was getting sick and by that night I was down.

I texted my boss and my managers and told them I would not be able to work. Caleb went in for me today, and they covered my shift for tomorrow (wednesday) as well. That means that I have exactly two days to get well. No more, so I'd better be thorough about it.

Here are the things I have done.

1. Slept, rested, and napped (As much as I wanted)
2. Taken medicine, gargled, and had Emergen-C
3. Fixed and Drunk Tea (lots of it!)
4. Watched Anastasia with Catherine
5. Read Les Mis
6. Blogged :)
7. Played Chopin
8. Started working on a Craft
9. Thought about Christmas and NaNoWriMo

Sound like a good remedy? I have one more day to find out if it worked.

I hate being sick, but there are some perks. I mean, tea and tons of sleep! A little music and some entertainment... well, it's kinda nice.

October has brought several things for me. Sickness was the first, but thoughts of other things have come as well.

I think the combination of cool weather and early darkness has caused me to start thinking about Christmas. For some of you, it may be a little early yet, but I just LOVE Christmas and when I feel like thinking about it, I do. I never turn it away simply because it seems too early. And NaNoWriMo is just around the corner. I have been giving that some thought too. I hope to do it again this year, but I don't have my idea fleshed out much yet, and that kinda worries me. If you know me at all, you know that I like to plan, and so I would hate to go into November without a plan. Maybe it would be good for me, but I just don't know if I could actually try. Other things have made me think about NaNo recently. Tea. Why? Well because I remember surviving off of it last year while the late night/early morning hours ticked away. Tea was my constant companion and it helped see me through the 50,000 words. Also, I made the wonderful mistake of looking through the NaNo products for this year... Here are a few!

It's a Venn Diagram Y'all!!!

 I mean, SERIOUSLY!!! I have always loved Venn Diagrams, and now I can have a tee shirt of one! So fun!


Two great posters!
And a hilarious thermos that reads:

NaNoWriMo Facts

Serving size: 1 Gulp
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving
Words 1667
                   100% Daily Value*
Total Writing 200g ---- 30%
Characters 61g ---- 25%
Plot 60g -------------- 5%
Dialogue 49g ------ 20%
Setting 30g --------- 13% 
Inspiration 225mg --- 20% 
Creativity 270mg ---- 42% 
Wombats 19mg ------- 70% 
Vikings 2 -------------- 110%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 50,000 word novel.
Word count may change when Validating

 Haha! I just love it! If I thought I would use the thermos, then I would most definitely buy one!
So great! It just makes me excited!

And also, I just want to ask you all to consider taking part in the NaNoWriMo adventure this year!
For any of you who are not aware of the details, here is an overview.

1. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, a month where people from all around the world choose to write 50,000 word novels in 30 days time.
2. Anyone can participate entirely free.
3. The goal is to reach 50,000 words, when you do, you win.
4. You can write in any genre you want
5. The focus is on having fun and turning off your "inner editor."
(everyone recognizes that what is written is NOT what you would turn in to a publisher, and it doesn't matter. Just have fun and write. Get the story down.)
6. You can join other writers online on the free NaNoWriMo website and see your stats go up as you change your word count.
7. You can even meet other writers locally for nights of writing at libraries or other fun activities.

I did it last year and won! bBj and I both thoroughly enjoyed it! Think about it. I mean seriously. You don't have to be a prodigy, you don't have to be the greatest writer, but as long as you have something worth saying, it should be said!

You have a month to think about it!

If you have any questions, leave me a comment!

Ok, so back to my day.
I started working on a craft. It is something having to do with Christmas, so I can't tell you what exactly it was, but I got excited enough to start experimenting with it.
I hope it turns out.

I skyped with Caitlin in India for a while, actually, I im-ed her after my fam got finished chatting because my voice is quickly making itself scarce.

I think that means time for more tea!
Anyway, I need to get in bed so I can get well.
I'd love to have comments, so feel free to indulge me in that way! ;)

~ A Song of Joy

September 26, 2012

Exciting Preview

Oh goodness!!! I just got so VERY excited about something and I HAD to share it with you!

Take the time to watch! I simply cannot wait!

Ok, is that not super?!

Lauren, I thought of you! I know you have been reading the book, which got me to thinking once again about my ambitions to read it and my lack of drive to see it through.

I really do want to, but so far there has not been time for it. Especially now with work keeping me so occupied, but if anything can motivate me that can!

Not that I have a lot of room to talk, but y'all should go read it too! I know it will be worth it!

~ A Song of Joy

September 21, 2012

Inspirational Balloon Gardens

It's almost fall!!! Yes, the coolness is coming! This week I have been working the window quite a bit at work and several days that included mornings. I have been surprise at how much I have enjoyed the mornings, but it has meant that I have been able to watch the sun come up, breathing the air, and watching the shadows rise and the fog lift. Several days recently it has been rainy, which of course, I love and Wednesday I even saw a hot air balloon! I have always had a fascination with them. I am not sure if it is because of their bold colors, or their ability to soar over all the life we experience daily in a seemingly untouched way. The one I saw was orange and yellow and I could hardly keep my eyes off of it. I would look at the customer at the window and then suddenly find myself gazing off into the sky. I think the only thing that could have made it worse would have been if the sky had been a dark rich blue. It was, instead, a mild medium blue, which was nice but not quite the same. The weather was perfectly gorgeous.

Here is a picture I found a long time ago. I just love it. It inspires me.

If you don't feel anything and don't understand why I love this, then just bear with me. I'm sorry. What else can I say? :)

Funny that I should be writing about something that inspires me right now, because I am listening to music that inspires me as well. Ok, so a lot of music does that, but this group almost always does this for me. You should go look them up. They are called "Secret Garden."
Right now I'm listening to The Promise, but many others are quite good. My favorites are the instrumental ones (which are most) and just a warning that some of the ones with words are a bit on the strange side. Anyway, a couple I really like are, Passacaglia, Silent Wings, Appassionanata, and  Illumination.

Here is their piece entitled, "Reflection" as a sample:


Today I worked window during lunch and if we had kept a steady flow of cars, we probably could have broken our all time record, meaning that we were fast enough if we had only had enough business. Sadness, because that would have meant milkshakes all around for those on drive-through.

Later, I went on headset... let me just say this word, "stressful."
Enough said, almost. It was my first time as both headset and drink maker.
It was good practice though. Now, enough said.

I have been slowly working on a new music project. I haven't had much time for that lately, but I have been trying to find time whenever I can. Maybe eventually I can start posting some of my work on here. Still, that is probably quite a ways off, so don't get to excited. Just a hope.

Well, I have things to do and you may as well, but even if you have time to spare, I am still going to let you go! Enjoy your weekend and make the most of your time, we are never promised tomorrow!

~ A Song of Joy

August 31, 2012

Rain-dom Pics

Here are a couple snapshots I took out in our yard during the rain this afternoon.
I just love the rain.

This afternoon, our power went out. We had already planned on getting 
Caitlin some beef before she leaves for a whole six months without it!
 Her choice was:

Caitlin and me

Caitlin, me, Caleb, 
Catherine, bBj, GrandM, D, and 
M who took this one for me.

We enjoyed our last family meal for what will be a very long time.
Sadness and tears.

Well, I work tomorrow, so I must retire.
~ A Song of Joy  

August 29, 2012

Wild Animals and English Tradition

Hooplah to all you guys! "HUH?" Ok moving on...

So, some of you know my older sister, but even if you don't I encourage you to go on over to her new blog and check it out. She is about to spend half a year in India and she is going to be sharing her adventures with us! She is still getting it all set up, but please, go on over and check it out... you will not regret it!

Her blog is called, Of Tigers and Tea
Seems fitting for India right?

Here's a link. Just click on over and follow through her neat journey!

Of Tigers and Tea

Enjoy enjoy!

~ A Song of Joy

August 26, 2012

The Little and Not So Little Things

I know you know this. We all know it. Sometimes, though, we have to remind ourselves of things we know. It is not exactly that we forget, but perhaps we lose sight of it for a moment, or a day, before something draws our attention back to it. If you tried right now you could probably come up with a whole list of things that you occasionally need to be reminded of.

Simply put - We take things for granted.

Especially in this culture, one in which we are greatly blessed, we don't tend to take time to think about the little, or not so little, things in our lives.

I spent some time just the other day (inadvertently so) thinking about a lot of things that I usually take for granted. Here are just a few that crossed my mind.

I take for granted that the sky is blue.
I take for granted that there are clouds in the sky (white and gray) and grass on the earth.
I take for granted that creation is beautiful. Not black and white film.
I take for granted that we have other people we can be around and have relationships with.
I take for granted that I'm alive. Moreover, that I'm alive mentally and spiritually as well as physically.
I take for granted that I can create things. (Ideas, art, etc.)
I take for granted that I need never fear.
I take for granted that I all my needs are known before I know them, by a God who is able to supply them.
I take for granted a next breath, day, and year.
I take for granted my ability to worship God openly.
I take for granted having those I love in my life and the days I have with them.

I could go on and on. Isn't it sad that I can keep on thinking of things that I am not grateful enough for, things that I presumptuously expect?

It is wrong, and I say this not to praise my faults and sin, but in order to point out how easy it is to fall into this way of thinking.

I never did a follow up post to my one on Psalm 19, but now I just connected a dot.

Verse 13
"Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me!"

In context, I think this verse is specifically talking about the sin of presuming to know better than God, because the verse before asks the question, "Who can discern his errors?" and the passage before is about the law of the Lord. But, isn't this also one of those sins; when we presume to know what we need, or literally, presume on the grace of God?

I love the way that verse is worded because it is so adamant. David speaks so strongly, "let them not have dominion over me!" Do not let those sins rule me, or have power over me. And once again, David convicts me through his example. He wants a clean heart and is willing to root out sin.

My older sister is preparing to leave on a trip to India for six months. I know there will be many things for her that she will have to grow used to; clothes, food, practices, language, and many many other things. She will learn to adapt and hopefully it will cause her to be more grateful for the things she has access to here.

That is one of the things I was getting at earlier. We do not spend our time being grateful. We do not naturally thank God or others for the wonderful blessings we have and yet, we would have nothing apart from Him and His goodness. So I encourage you, tomorrow, today, whenever it is, take time to thank God. Take time to see life through a different lens. Change your perspective on a rainy day, or an unusual circumstance. Take time to see the blue sky and the details of creation. Let your thankfulness for the greatest gift God could give, salvation through His Son, tint every thought and every word that passes your lips. Smile knowing that God has given us much. Be a good example of a Christ bearer, one who is able to take time for the little, or not so little things that many people miss.
Thank God. Be grateful.

~ A Song of Joy  

August 22, 2012

A Smattering of Life and a Thought of the Heavens

So what have I been up to? Well, working at my job and other normal things. But let me share the more interesting things.

I'm learning a Beethoven sonata. The moonlight sonata to be exact. Both the first and the third movements. Many people play the first movement, but I think it should probably not be learned until the performer is capable of the third as well... or at least that is what my teacher told me once. Now all I have to do is make sure it is fine with my currant teacher for me to officially learn this sonata this semester. I think he'll be fine with it.

Today, I pulled out my Disney music and cranked up A Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Mary Poppins, and others while I thoroughly cleaned my room. All summer long I have left one pile of winter clothes on the back of my chair. Doom and Shame! I can hardly bring myself to admit it, but so it was, and so it shall not be again! I determined that on my day off I would forever banish this pile from my kingdom. Strangely enough, shortly after that pile disappeared, a mysterious "iron" stack made it's debut downstairs and now awaits my attention, sigh. But at the very least this stack is NOT on the back of my chair, so that is progress.

Our piano got tuned today which definitely made my day better than it would have been otherwise. My dad teased me saying that it was my early birthday present!

I have been picking out one of my favorite Michael Buble songs, "Lost." I hope to get it all written down before too long. I figured out the rest of the chords today, now I have to get it down on paper as closely as I can to the way it sounds. Which takes some doing.

I am also working on some themes to put in a piano trio I am hoping to arrange for my dear friend Abby. I know that will take quite a while to finish and I am still at the very beginning stages, but a start is a start.

Today, I ran my last few miles as an 18 year old. I'm training for a half-marathon in October.
Here are some of my thoughts on the verses I have been memorizing as I run.

Psalm 19:1-6

The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
(God's glory is shown at all times through His own creation; the heavens.)

Day to day pours out speech and night to night reveals knowledge.
(The heavens have a message both in the day and also at night. There is no break from it.)

There is no speech nor are there words whose voice is not heard.
(The voice of the heavens is heard and will always be heard even to the end of the world.)

Their measuring line goes out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world.
(It is a constant witness to the glory of God.)

In them He has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber and, like a strong man, runs it's course with joy.
(The running it's course with joy part I'm afraid I tend to take slightly out of context and apply to me running with joy... buy hey, a strong man runs his course with joy. I want to be like that.)

It's rising is from the end of the heavens and it's circuit to the end of them and there is nothing hidden from it's heat.

I know I sometimes forget all the things God has done for me, but I have a constant witness if I will only think of it that way. There is no getting away from sky. It is always there, so I need to change my perspective to one where I link even a glimpse of the sky to God's glory.

"The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork." Psalm 19:1

~ A Song of Joy