But, with Fall, comes the sick season... and that has already found its way to my house and my bedroom.
I am sick.
I suppose you might have guessed that by now. Caleb and Catherine have been sick for a while, and though I have been in "prevention mode" I still managed to come down with a nasty sore throat.
Sunday afternoon I knew that I was getting sick and by that night I was down.
Here are the things I have done.
1. Slept, rested, and napped (As much as I wanted)
2. Taken medicine, gargled, and had Emergen-C
3. Fixed and Drunk Tea (lots of it!)
4. Watched Anastasia with Catherine
5. Read Les Mis
6. Blogged :)
7. Played Chopin
8. Started working on a Craft
9. Thought about Christmas and NaNoWriMo
I hate being sick, but there are some perks. I mean, tea and tons of sleep! A little music and some entertainment... well, it's kinda nice.
October has brought several things for me. Sickness was the first, but thoughts of other things have come as well.
I think the combination of cool weather and early darkness has caused me to start thinking about Christmas. For some of you, it may be a little early yet, but I just LOVE Christmas and when I feel like thinking about it, I do. I never turn it away simply because it seems too early. And NaNoWriMo is just around the corner. I have been giving that some thought too. I hope to do it again this year, but I don't have my idea fleshed out much yet, and that kinda worries me. If you know me at all, you know that I like to plan, and so I would hate to go into November without a plan. Maybe it would be good for me, but I just don't know if I could actually try. Other things have made me think about NaNo recently. Tea. Why? Well because I remember surviving off of it last year while the late night/early morning hours ticked away. Tea was my constant companion and it helped see me through the 50,000 words. Also, I made the wonderful mistake of looking through the NaNo products for this year... Here are a few!
![]() | ||
It's a Venn Diagram Y'all!!! |
I mean, SERIOUSLY!!! I have always loved Venn Diagrams, and now I can have a tee shirt of one! So fun!

Two great posters!
NaNoWriMo Facts
Serving size: 1 Gulp
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving
Words 1667
100% Daily Value*
Total Writing 200g ---- 30%
Characters 61g ---- 25%
Plot 60g -------------- 5%
Dialogue 49g ------ 20%
Setting 30g --------- 13%
Inspiration 225mg --- 20%
Creativity 270mg ---- 42%
Wombats 19mg ------- 70%
Vikings 2 -------------- 110%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 50,000 word novel.
Word count may change when Validating
Haha! I just love it! If I thought I would use the thermos, then I would most definitely buy one!
So great! It just makes me excited!
And also, I just want to ask you all to consider taking part in the NaNoWriMo adventure this year!
For any of you who are not aware of the details, here is an overview.
1. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, a month where people from all around the world choose to write 50,000 word novels in 30 days time.
2. Anyone can participate entirely free.
3. The goal is to reach 50,000 words, when you do, you win.
4. You can write in any genre you want
5. The focus is on having fun and turning off your "inner editor."
(everyone recognizes that what is written is NOT what you would turn in to a publisher, and it doesn't matter. Just have fun and write. Get the story down.)
6. You can join other writers online on the free NaNoWriMo website and see your stats go up as you change your word count.
7. You can even meet other writers locally for nights of writing at libraries or other fun activities.
I did it last year and won! bBj and I both thoroughly enjoyed it! Think about it. I mean seriously. You don't have to be a prodigy, you don't have to be the greatest writer, but as long as you have something worth saying, it should be said!
You have a month to think about it!
If you have any questions, leave me a comment!
Ok, so back to my day.
I started working on a craft. It is something having to do with Christmas, so I can't tell you what exactly it was, but I got excited enough to start experimenting with it.
I hope it turns out.
I skyped with Caitlin in India for a while, actually, I im-ed her after my fam got finished chatting because my voice is quickly making itself scarce.
I think that means time for more tea!
Anyway, I need to get in bed so I can get well.
I'd love to have comments, so feel free to indulge me in that way! ;)
~ A Song of Joy
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