October 22, 2012

A Musical for Monday

So, I figure you probably all know of The Little Mermaid, but how many of you know the Broadway version? To be honest when Caitlin and I stumbled across it a year or so back we went crazy over it! There are some great numbers that are not part of the movie version and while I might like to share an "old favorite" such as Part of Your World, I think I'd rather introduce you to the new songs from the Broadway Musical. There are several I just love. Alan Menken is *AMAZING* I have had a hard time narrowing it down, but here's what I've got.

I chose this one because it gives you a taste of several voices and it is also such a great song that lets you in on the thoughts of the main characters. Setting wise, keep in mind that this is towards the end of the musical when all is falling apart and time is running out. It is before the solution has made itself known.

Ariel sings first, then Eric, Sebastian, and Triton


Aannnd, for a more fun side...

I must admit that this one is so catchy and fun that I have, on numerous occasions, cranked it up on my Bose speakers and had a blast both singing and dancing to it!

If you could only see me and my sisters with this one!
I love the harmonies, and isn't Flounder's voice SO cute?

~ A Song of Joy

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