April 19, 2012

Another Post on Hunger

Ok, y'all!  I have been meaning to post about Hunger Games... (cheering and applause from my HG friends)  Before I begin I want to warn you that this may not be what you expect.  And also, I am splitting this in two so that maybe some people will actually read it!

So, you have heard about Hunger Games.  Who hasn’t?  It would be practically impossible to avoid the myriad of posters, books, and magazines circulating here in the United States.  An appropriate word for it is, “massive.” Alright, so you are probably either excited about it or tired of it.  I apologize if you are the latter, but I am going to share my opinion.

It seems to me that there are two camps of people.  One includes the people who are determined not to read any of the books or even glance at the posters, because they know they cannot possibly like a book where teenagers kill each other.  (Or end that sentence any other way you like)  These people are not willing to check it out for themselves.  They assume that it must be bad.  Most of us would call that extreme, and I would have to agree.  But the majority of people are extreme as well, only at the other end of the spectrum.  They are the fanatics.  They read all of the books and memorized every little detail.  They oohed and ahhed to everyone about how wonderful the books were and how they couldn’t wait for the movie to come out while strongly encouraging everyone to get the books before the premier. (side note, if you are going to see the movie then you should read the books first!!!)

Those are the two most prominent camps and to be frank, just about everyone I have talked to seems to fall into one of those. (To differing extents of course.)  People don’t want to be in the middle.  The books are either good or bad.  The majority thinks they are great, but there are still plenty on the other side ready to band together in steady opposition.

So far, these are mainly observations.  I hate to let any of you down, but I disagree with both of these camps.  I disagree with those who make assumptions and judgements on something they have not read or seen, and I also disagree with those who are so obsessed that they are only concerned with the surface level story or gloss over the legitimate dangers of this kind of literature.  Christians are to take what they see around them and put it all through the grid of scripture in order to discern what is right and true and what is not.  This applies to ALL Christians!  With that said, plenty of literature is not wholly good or bad.  Yes, often there are major ideas that are either right or wrong from which we can characterize the work as a whole, but even within those same works there are often little bits that we can agree or disagree with.  That is one reason why I immediately have a problem with saying that the books are all good or all bad.  This particular series was not written from a Christian worldview, thus it is practically guaranteed that there will be parts I won’t agree with.

(A quick insert before I really get going! ;) *Which will actually be post two!*

 “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.  To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”  Romans 8:5-6

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”  Romans 12:2

Sorry for the abrupt ending, but there wasn't a good place to break it down.  Please comment and if there is anything you would like for me to clarify I will be happy to do so.  I have post two written but will be happy to add an extra post if necessary.

~ A Song of Joy


  1. I haven't read them, and don't really have any plans to simply because I'm not interested and have so many other things to read:-) I try not to judge them based on what I've heard, but I will say that it disturbs me that they are marketed as children's literature. Looking forward to what else you have to say!

  2. There is SO MUCH good literature to read, I don't blame you for not taking the time! You should do a post soon on what you have been reading lately... just a thought!
