July 11, 2013

God Moves in Mysterious Ways

Well, hello strangers! If any of you still remain.

It has been seven months since I have written a post, and to be frank, I was not sure if I would come back, but here I am.  (Before writing anything else, however, I must warn you that I do not know if this is a permanent re-installment.)

God moves in mysterious ways.

This is really what caused me to jump back on here tonight.  Isn't it ironic how God uses things in our lives to change us right when we least expect it?  Today that thing was something I -myself- said.  Yes, of course we should counsel our own souls and it is both healthy and profitable to do so, but today I was most moved by words spoken aloud to another person.

I was talking about things I knew to be true about God, but as soon as I was alone I was flooded with the recognition that those truths were EXACTLY what I needed right then.  I marveled to think that this realization was also part of God's plan for me.

Think back to a time when something happened to you that you could not understand.  An event that did or did not happen that you thought would have been good.  Why was God withholding that good thing from you?  It did not make sense, yet it was happening.  Remember all the tearful prayers promising to love your God and submit to His kind plan for your life, even though you could not understand.

Those difficult times are worth every tear.  Glass suddenly shatters!  Possibly God planed that trial just for this moment.  I have never had children, but I imagine this is in some small way like giving birth.  Women have told me that all the pain is forgotten when they hold their little one for the first time.  Well, the moment you catch a glimpse of how an event in your past fits into a better plan is kind of like childbirth.  Our pain is forgotten in light of what God is currently doing through us!

God's ways truly are far above our own!

Today, I was the person in someone's life who reminded them of truths and encouraged them to hang on, but it was only because of a thing God allowed in my path some time back.  That trial enabled me to bless someone in their trial.  Maybe that is why we go through some of the things we do.  And if so, isn't it worth it?

~ A Song of Joy

Post Script - I would most definitely be amiss if I did not refer to this quote from Sergent York, "The Lord sure do move in mistierious ways!" :) I really want to rewatch that movie!

December 21, 2012

The End of What?

My intro will be short, but I do feel I should tell you how sorry I am for my long absence. I do not, however, have the time to explain the many reasons. For now, I will just say that I have the flu and it has kept me occupied since Sunday.

What got me back on here?

Well, I watched part of The Green Lantern with my Dad a few minutes ago. I had never seen it before and didn't know anything about it. In it, the evil feeds off of the fear of others.

So that was kind of running through my head when I went in to check on my little sis who is also sick. She mentioned that tomorrow is or should I say, some people think it might be, "the end of the world."

I couldn't help but wonder how many people are living in fear right now. Fear that their lives will end. Or simply in fear of the unknown.

I don't particularly have a profound thought or a special way to say this, but I am so thankful that my life is not dependent on the intulectual abilities of the Mayans and their calendars.

I know that my life is solely in the hands of a kind and loving, all-knowing, caregiver. God holds my life and nothing can pluck me out of His hands.

Fear is not something I have to live under. And it does not have power over me. Sometimes I fall into it, it can be very easy, but I know that Christ has overcome evil.

"My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand." John 10:27-29
"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39
These verses came to mind. They talk about God's protection over His children. How comforting it is to know that God is protecting me.

Anyway, to wrap up this short post, I was just thinking, what am I fearing? Maybe not death, ultimately, but what day to day "little" things do I fear?

God will still hold me in His hand whether the world ends tomorrow or not.
(fyi, I don't believe it will because of the Mayans)

But I have been thinking how important it is not to let fear take hold of us. We do not have to fear the unknown. And so all I would say in closing would be this, if tomorrow is the end of anything, make it the end of fear in your life.

~ A Song of Joy

November 6, 2012

Plodding and Plotting

Writing furiously these days. Practicing feverishly, working diligently, sleeping deeply. And living in between.

I know life gets busy. I know that we get older and time doesn't stop.
Lately I have had a taste of this.
It reminds me of Junior Year. Horrible, in terms of business.

One thing crowds out another. I spend my time between projects making mental lists of all the things I need to do. Funny. I have been learning how to prioritize. I have to. There really is no other way. All I can do is decide what has to be done next, and do it right then. My life is a constant "now." I realize that all of life is, but being in the stage has caused me to recognize more vividly what that means. Sometimes, we can put off the "now" until another "now," but I don't have any other time except "nows." Moment by moment. Anyway, back to what I was trying to say. Prioritizing. Yes. It is funny that while prioritizing is a good thing (and now necessary) it does have a problem.

See, I have had a list of things to do. It's a running list, if you wondered. One day I might put it on paper and cross off the things I get to. The things that are left get added to the next one, whether it be mental or physical. It works well until you realize that there are a couple things that never even get close to being done, because they always fall below other things. For example, I have to clean one of our bathrooms. It needs to be done, but practicing is more important. Washing my uniforms is more important. Going to a rehearsal is more important. Those are things I have to do, and so, cleaning the bathroom gets pushed to the bottom of the list. Ok, so that is just the way it works, right? Well, when several weeks or a month passes and there has never been time to reach the bottom of the list on ANY day, then there is a problem.

It has to be done, still in a way, it still falls behind something else. It is just always there. It becomes a permanent fixture. It hangs over, and drags along.

Well, last night, I sacrificed.
I had to.
It is part of prioritizing.

So... I cleaned the bathroom. It took me an hour, but it was done, and by golly it was done well. I cleaned my room too. It took me a while, but I always enjoy that especially when I can turn on music.

I can't even express to you how much better, Physically, I felt after completing those tasks.
I slept better. I wrote better. And all of today has been better knowing that things were in order at home. I knew I would not feel oppressed when I walked in my room. I knew that my clothes would be hanging up and I would not have to search for anything.

I mean, it is probably why I am on here. I had something else (far more important) planned to do, but I just enjoy sitting in a clean room so much that I feel that I can actually take a moment to write. I'll get to the other in a minute, which means I need to move on.

So, I guess I was just thinking how important it will be for me someday to keep my house in order. It provides stability. It diminishes stress. It provides more optimism. It helps so much of life.

Sometimes the little things do.

Wow, this has been boring so far. I have been rambling on as I might in a journal. Sorry to any who are still reading this.

On a different note, today I did not vote. I saw many stickers on many people at work, but I was not wearing one today because I voted early last week. It was my first presidential. A milestone has been passed! We'll have to see if anyone I voted for wins. So far my track record has not been good. Every issue I have voted on has not gone the way I wanted. Of course I have only voted once on two issues, but still... I hope tonight goes more favorably.

As to nano, I am doing my best to hang in there. I'm currently behind, but the writing is going well and as of the third day in, when I changed my writing perspective, I have not had any more problems. I do not feel constrained, and though I do not know where the story will go, that is kind of the fun of it. Each time I sit down, I get to decide how I want things to go. That is actually a freedom that I didn't enjoy last year. Also, I feel like, though I may be writing less, what I am writing is actually better this year. I am not so focused on the word count that I rush myself. I actually enjoy it and think that there might actually be some left after I edit it! Haha!

Anyway, Perseverance. Time. Sanity. and Sleep. are the things I could use right now.
Plodding along!

Have a good week!
~ A Song of Joy

November 3, 2012

Two Days In... With Glazed Eyes

A Short update here...

I REALLY don't know what I was thinking!

I'm only 1500 words in, so officially a little over a day behind, but I am not going to give up without a fight. I've been behind before.

This year will just have to be different.

And I am making myself keep my priorities straight.
Which unfortunately means that nano is not at the top of my list.

I WILL practice real, solid practices.
I WILL work the hours I am scheduled.
I WILL recover and sleep in healthy doses.
I WILL (eventually) come up with a plot.
I WILL have fun and drink tea... LOTS

I WILL NOT let Facebook, Youtube, Blogger, or Pinterest distract me.
I WILL NOT permit my inner editor to escape and run rampant.
I WILL NOT completely sacrifice my sanity.
I WILL NOT give up without a fight.
I WILL NOT forget my family.

A few things to keep in mind.
There are probably more, but it is late and my eyes are glazing over...
Goodnight to all!

~ A Song of Joy

October 30, 2012

Preface to November

Alrighty dighty...

So, I anticipated writing a post about this time expressing my regrets regarding my inability to do NaNoWriMo this year, however, I am actually here to say...



"Call me crazy, call me irresponsible, but... WHAT a testimony!"
~Adventures in Odyssey
(for my sis...;)

I apologize for any who don't get that and now I return you to my previous thought...

Yes, I am crazy.
I know.

I only have a full time job, an intense practice schedule, 
and a desire to recover from Mono...
That doesn't sound like enough does it?
I mean, what is life without a challenge!?


It'll be fun.

MOST Definitely!

Where am I in all of this, and what do I intend to do?

"Well I'll tell you... I don't know!"
~Fiddler on the Roof

I have some characters...
A partial setting...
A few motifs...
A sort of general theme...
And a few vague ideas...

So, now all I need is a plot!

That's the easy part right?
Well, I hope so.
I am NOT, I repeat, NOT the type to fly by the seat of my pants,
but this year, flying might be a necessity.

Right now I am frantically trying to brainstorm and do character sketches.
It's fun. I'm already loving getting back into it!

Cannot wait for this month!

Lastly, I encourage you, if you have something to say, view this month as a perfect opportunity to say it. Be creative. And most importantly remember...

IT IS NOT TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!

If you will not budge and take the first step this year but are interested, then get on the NaNo site and keep up so that you can be ready for next November!
Here is a link: www.nanowrimo.org

*Freaking out that the NaNo timer is down to 1 day!*
~ A Song of Joy