November 3, 2012

Two Days In... With Glazed Eyes

A Short update here...

I REALLY don't know what I was thinking!

I'm only 1500 words in, so officially a little over a day behind, but I am not going to give up without a fight. I've been behind before.

This year will just have to be different.

And I am making myself keep my priorities straight.
Which unfortunately means that nano is not at the top of my list.

I WILL practice real, solid practices.
I WILL work the hours I am scheduled.
I WILL recover and sleep in healthy doses.
I WILL (eventually) come up with a plot.
I WILL have fun and drink tea... LOTS

I WILL NOT let Facebook, Youtube, Blogger, or Pinterest distract me.
I WILL NOT permit my inner editor to escape and run rampant.
I WILL NOT completely sacrifice my sanity.
I WILL NOT give up without a fight.
I WILL NOT forget my family.

A few things to keep in mind.
There are probably more, but it is late and my eyes are glazing over...
Goodnight to all!

~ A Song of Joy

1 comment:

  1. I WILL...go to sleep? No! I will actually finish my homework. The homework that was due last week. Tomorrow I'm going to do chemistry like a bau5 and and write like a mad hatter.
