July 23, 2012

More Than I Knew Waiting on Me

This was waiting for me when I arrived back in my hometown... I ordered it before I left and it didn't quite make it in time for vacation, so all week I thought about it sitting on our front porch, well, actually, my Grandmommy brought it in for me since we were gone.

Ok, so here is the part where you get to be excited with me!

(Michael Buble and The Wailin' Jennys both of which I have already listened to!)

They may not be the best pics, but still... Folk, and Jazz
Gotta love...

But these were not the only things waiting on me. My bed was waiting on me, The Dark Knight Rises was waiting on me, you/my blog was definitely waiting on me, and oh yeah, today a ton of things were waiting on me.

I was about to call someone I am going to start training with at Chick-fil-a (where I was recently hired) about setting up a time to train when I realized that I had already agreed to do childcare for a local conference. I say realized, but it was more like a *panic moment* that I had forgotten. I rushed over to my desk and yanked out the papers only to realize that today's date, yes, TODAY'S date was on there! 
Thankfully though, I only had to go by and pick up some stuff, but still, I only had twenty minutes left, so there I was, the day after vacation in bum-around-clothes, no make-up, unshowered person that I was, having to rush out the door for a job I had forgotten about.  So, that too was waiting on me. After that, I started looking at the hours I was supposed to work, and it was not just wed, thurs, and fri, as I had thought, but tue as well which meant I had to cancel my other job for tomorrow.

So I spent a while rescheduling my non-busy week.  I must have been disillusioned to think I might have a week off of most things to meet with friends and get caught up on my practicing before my real job started.  I'm gasping for air! But at least there is more oxygen here than in CO! Way more humidity yes, but oxygen as well, which I am thankful for!
As to other things waiting on me, I think I am waiting on me if that makes any sense! I am still waiting on myself to figure out the rest of my life, or at least the next stage, so in a way, I am waiting on myself too! 
 My piano was waiting on me, and oh, I was so very glad to be able to play even if it was for just a few minutes.

My friends are waiting on me still, and I hope to see them before long!

My state was waiting on me. I love my state and am glad to be back. All the ones we traveled through were neat and beautiful in their own way, but this is home!

Ok so now, the shower is waiting on me, then my bed! Colorado pictures hopefully coming soon!

~ A Song of Joy

Important Note...

I'm sure this will change your life! ;)

Go check out Lauren's blog http://musingsofaflowerchild.blogspot.com/

She's been a lifelong friend of mine and has a great blog!  She is trying to reach 50 followers by her birthday this week!  Please go follow and help her out!  You won't regret it and plus, she will be doing a giveaway if she makes it!

~ A Song of Joy

Rising from a Dark Night

      I arose late from what was a dark night for me, or should I say, a dark "Knight."  My family arrived back home from our trip to Colorado last night around 7:30pm and I was determined to see The Dark Knight Rises... if I could pull it off.  A ten day vacation?  Pshaw... That's NO good reason to keep me from going on opening weekend.  We had to try and unpacked as much as possible and clean out the van first, then of course, we had to finish watching The Dark Knight with my little sister bBj for her first time so that she would be ready to go with us.  It was a good refresher for me as I have only seen it once and there was much I did not remember well.  But as if The Dark Knight was not good enough, there was The Dark Knight Rises!!!!!  Honestly, I do not even really know what to say about it.  I sat in the theater and was wowed.  It was definitely the best theater experience I have ever had and it will be exceedingly hard to top.  The story was completed perfectly.  Nothing was held back, as Nolan (who is A-MAZING!) has said multiple times of his own works.  The themes were expounded on and brought to conclusions in a wonderful and emotional way.  The acting was excellent.  I think Michael Cain (or Joseph Gordon-Levitt) should get best supporting actor for their work in this movie!  Unbelievable!  The music was great, as I expected, and the filming, well, I think I'm just repeating myself here.  Everything was great.  Bane was believable and though a very different bad guy than the joker, filled the part well.  Anne Hathaway also did a good job with her part and earned sympathy as a character easy to relate to. (because she was poor, her views on the events could be well understood) I know my sister has a MAJOR celebrity crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but let me just say he was the best!  Ok, ok, best... well, someone you could root for at all times with a great role and an extremely well written one at that!  The movie was EPIC!  And I do not use that term lightly.  What more can I say?  I was surprised at all the people who were not in the theater with me... I mean, everyone should be watching that movie!  If you haven't seen the trilogy, GO WATCH IT NOW!  Can I make myself any clearer?  Ahhhhhhhhh............ :)  I will definitely go see it at least two more times... it was that good.  And for my friends accustomed to saying this,


No really, The Dark Knight Rises... = FANTASTIC!

~ A Song of Joy

July 12, 2012

A Day of Diligence

Starting the day off right.

Starbucks and Trusty my turtle.

Ok, so it's not even coffee, as I don't like coffee, but the Hot Chocolate was great as was the company. ;)  That's actually the second time I've been this week, both times to meet other people. That's a whole lot for me!
After having that as a wonderful day starter, I headed home and spent some time reading in Proverbs. Why Proverbs?  Well, because I have been reading one chapter a day along with my usual reading and I have felt like the last couple ones have been so packed full of gems that I have not had enough time to meditate on it all.  So today I only spent time in Proverbs.  I actually made a list of all the verses that talk about a righteous person.  There were a ton in just a few chapters.  Maybe I'll post that sometime soon. I found it very encouraging.  For today, though, I wanted to keep in mind the ones that talk about diligence while I worked around here.

Here is a sample of today:

 Doing laundry with homemade soap! We're trying it out and I like it.

A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:4

 Packing tea... it just wouldn't be vacation without it! (the water is for hydration purposes)
Getting started on an arr. Sloppy I know, but this was just to get a couple kinks worked out on this one section. The rest I'll probably put straight into the computer.  It takes too long to hand-write so I typically just learn it then put it into my writing software.

He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame. Proverbs 10:5

 Wrapping a late gift...
It turned out cute... if I do say so myself! Hey, I'd wanna open it!

The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and toil adds nothing to it. Proverbs 10:22

 Packing/gathering things
And some late night cleaning and handwashing.

Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death. Proverbs 11:4

Ok so I love how even tough we are instructed to be diligent and diligence leads to riches, we are reminded that all blessings are from the Lord. He is the giver of all good things. None of our work will cause more good to come to us. Strange thought, huh? Now, that does not mean that we should not work, in fact, when we are diligent, God gives blessings, which can mean riches... sometimes. But riches will not do us any good when we have to stand before the Lord our Creator. Only righteousness will deliver us from death and we can ONLY have righteousness through Jesus Christ.

Tonight I also got to go out to our church and serve in the kitchen along with others to provide a meal for all those who are on our local missions trip this week. It's called "Scatter" and involves not only youth, but college students, and adults as well. I like how the whole church gets involved through providing "host homes," meals, and transportation.

So I went out and served dinner and helped clean up afterwards. It was great to hear an update from the different teams and to worship with them after dinner. If we were not heading out of town I would be right there with them... but that was not to be this year. Maybe next.

We are gonna try to all be packed by noon tomorrow... I kinda doubt it'll happen, but who knows? There's always room for a first! Right?

I'll certainly be aiming for that... which reminds me, I still have laundry (not the towels either, just in case you were wondering) in the dryer. I should probably go check it.

~ A Song of Joy

July 8, 2012

Explanation *non-excuse*

Ok, so yes it has been forever since I have posted, but here is why.  It's pretty simple... I've been busy.  With what?  Well, I could tell you, but that might turn into a post and I don't really have time for that right now.  Alright, alright, a short list.

1. Spending time with friends from the other side of the country.  Which btw they leave for tomorrow. (Sorry to see them go, but glad that they'll be back before too long!)

2. Getting a job.  I turned in my application Thursday, and Friday morning I was hired.  That was probably due to my inside sources, but I have a job that I will start training for when I get back from #3.

3. Thinking about and planning for my family's vacation which is rapidly approaching.  We leave Friday!!!  I'm sure you will get a number of posts from that.

4. Trying to read A Tale of Two Cities.  I have not tried very hard, but I am hoping to do so soon.

5. Practicing the Sonata that I assigned myself while out of lessons for the summer.  My teacher is currently in Korea.  That isn't very conducive to taking lessons.  Just sayin'.

6. Arranging a simple score I heard on a movie I watched recently.  James Newton Howard.  Need I say more?

7. Eagerly anticipating The Dark Knight Rises... yes this takes time.  And it promises to be SUCH A GOOD MOVIE!!!

8. Celebrating Birthdays and Holidays.  We had another birthday.  Caitlin turned 21 on July 3rd.  That's a big birthday!  And, of course, the 4th of July.  I wanted to do a post on that but, well, I don't exactly have time to explain, so maybe at some point I'll do a post about not posting about the 4th.  Man, doesn't that sound exciting... so on second thought, I may let that one fall aside into the depths of the dark land filled with the mists of the "forgotten posts."  Moving on...

9. Meeting the youth pastor candidate at our church. He was here today for the first public time.  He preached for us and tonight had a q and a session.  I met he and his wife the first time they came, but got to talk some more with them today and enjoyed that. Who knows, maybe they'll be the right fit.

10. Talking to friends who will be starting a local missions week here with our church.  I'd be doing it too, (I did last year... it's called scatter) even though I'm not in youth - it's opened to college age students as well and honestly the whole church gets involved.  It's not just an even exclusive to youth, etc. etc.  Our church isn't really like that - except that my parents thought we would need the time to get ready for our trip.

So anyway... I am going to bed, but hope to do a semi-interesting post soonish!
~ A Song of Joy

Oh, and welcome to Amanda from In the Library!