May 30, 2012

Books, Books!

  Library Books... I figured I'd better be ready to talk Dickens with a certain someone!  So I went to the library and decided to start with these.  I have only read Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol so, Dickens here I come!

I am greatly anticipating them and hopefully they will make the plane ride and layovers speed by... although, I never seem to have problems enjoying flights... If we are next to a window then I probably won't read a word. Just a warning!

And now for some books I have recently acquired!

Caleb found a used set just like this while he was on his trip.
I just love used book stores and I can't wait to read these!
These are different then my other copies because they have extra notes
and versions of sections that Tolkien did not put in the finished draft.
I think these were compiled by his son, Christopher Tolkien.
I'm very excited to add this set to my personal library!

One last picture.
The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
I have had this book a while, but was reading some more in it yesterday.
Because the stories are short I can read a couple and then pick it back up at a later date.
Well, written literature, but I can certainly tell that Poe had a disturbing life...
it comes out in his writing!

Anyway, there ya go!
I need to get busy on other things.

Here's another couple verses in Psalms I've been thinking on lately.

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the one who trusts in you!"
Psalm 84:11-12

(The italics were mine because that is the specific part I have been thinking about.  Also none of the pictures were mine, but I chose them because they look just like the books I currently have.)

~ A Song of Joy

May 29, 2012

A Kingdom-Wide Bedtime

Have you ever noticed that the later it gets and the more sleepy you get, the harder it is and the longer it takes to get in bed?  Well, we have endeavored to fix that over here at the -----'s house.  My dad did decree that from hence forth until the end of this week our kingdom shall retire no later than 10:30 every night and shall rise no later than 8:00am.  This is a substantial step for us as we *coughIcoughcough* do not usually get in bed before midnight... EVER!  So this week you will not be seeing any late night posts from me.  In fact I need to wrap this one up.  But I will say that while I think this will be good for me, I did have a hard time falling asleep last night as did bbj and my mom.  Obviously this will take some getting used to.

Night to all!

Wait, a verse I found the other day in my quiet time.
"Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up." Psalm 68:19

DAILY... wow!

Oh and also for any of you who knew about my toe, I had it x-rayed today and it is not broken... I'm so thankful!

~ A Song of Joy

May 27, 2012

Does It Really Take a Wedding?

Does it really take a wedding to hear a piece like this?

This post is in honor of our "Honorary Brother" Matt who got married yesterday.  Matt has stayed in our house multiple times and even got snowed in once, at which time we dubbed him our honorary brother.  He and Courtney have great taste in music as you can tell from their choice of recessional.  We couldn't make it to the wedding, but Caleb was a groomsman and got to hear it... no fair!

I wish I had a real pipe organ to play on!

By the way, this recording is off of youtube, but it is played by one of the organists at Notre Dame who actually gave a concert at Union while Caleb was there.  Anyway, Caleb recommended this recording to me because he has heard this guy... one of the best!  Enjoy!

~ A Song of Joy

May 24, 2012

Captain America

Ok y'all...
Seriously good movie!!!
I am so glad that a movie has depicted courage in such a good way.  It's not shown as weak but actually as a role model.  Action, courage, friendship, joy, sorrow, and a little bit of romance...
Oh I just love it!

(Just finished watching with my sisters who didn't see it in theaters.)
~ A Song of Joy


I had a wonderful time this evening going back to youth.  It was, in a way, sad because it was our dear pastor's last wed. with us, but it was wonderful to be renewed and refreshed by his passionate preaching.  Let me share with you a little.

Colossians Farewell  by: Pastor G.
(He got through the WHOLE book!  Recapping all the sermons that have been taught over the last two years... woot woot!)

Christ is Supreme and Sufficient
He is over all (supreme) and all in all (sufficient)

So the question he asked us was,
Are you satisfied with the one who is:
1. The Basis of our Hope for Heaven (col. 1:1-14)
    A reminder that our hope is laid up for us.  It is being protected and nothing, not even death, can take away our hope.  There were a couple times when Pastor G. would say something without elaborating, and as I continued to think about it I would stumble into some really great thoughts.  So one of those times was under this point.  I don't remember what he said, but what I got was the fact that we are not only able to take part in the inheritance of the saints, but get this, we are actually qualified to do so.  Trek with me a bit.  It's like a race that has a great prize at the end.  We are not the fastest runner, yet we are given the prize.  But there is not just an exception made so that we can have the prize, but we are actually given the ability to run and win the race so that we are qualified to have the prize.
     Now think about "qualified" for a sec.  If we are qualified to have something, then that means that we deserve it.  Of course we cannot deserve an eternal inheritance, right?  Well, not of ourselves, but we are given the ability to become qualified so that we can deserve the reward.  I think often in evangelical circles, we grow uncomfortable with the idea that we can actually DESERVE God's goodness, and yes, for good reason.  We cannot of ourselves, but we sometimes forget that we are deserving in Christ.  We have the right through His sacrifice.
Are you satisfied with the one who is:
2. The Lord of Creation and the Church (col. 1:14-23)
    Christ deserves first place in every single thing.  He has won first in every race, every competition, and He is best at everything.  Are you satisfied with the one who is above all the best?  What else could we want?  If anyone or anything else could claim first in anything, then we would be tempted to worship it, so I for one am glad that I have a perfect example to follow.
Are you satisfied with the one who is:
3. The Source and Summation of all Wisdom (col. 1:24-2:7)
    "We preach Christ." This could be the summation of the book of Colossians.  Is that the summation of your life?  Is that what others see in you?  Really think about this, is Christ EVERYTHING to you?  Pastor G. explained that not only do we preach Christ, but He is our goal.  We want to be like Him, so we preach Him.  This was a different way to put it.
Are you satisfied with the one who is:
4. The Fullness of our Spiritual Completion (not sure about the wording) (col. 2:8-23)
    We don't need Christ plus anything.  It is Christ who completes us.  Things that do not point you to Christ are worthless.  That is a hard statement, but if you understand that Christ is ALL that we need, then it makes sense.  Christ is at the top of the list, so if we have Him, then there is not anything else we need.  Later in this section (vs20-23) Paul addresses those who, while being dead to the world, were living as if they were still alive to it.  Pastor G. put it this way, "We still get ads for temptations in the mail, but we are no longer subscribers."  These things have the appearance of wisdom, but are worthless in stopping the flesh.  You cannot fight flesh with flesh.  It just doesn't work that way.
    Here is the second time my thoughts stayed on a phrase, y'all, this is really cool.  We hear the term holiness and are familiar with it, but how are we to become Holy?  Well, "Holiness is gained by your attention being given to Christ."  You wanna be holy?  Spend focused time or put your attention on Christ.  Who do you pay attention to?  Christ.  Who do you think about?  Christ.  Yes, it means EVERYTHING.  Kinda like Seth was praying after leading our worship.  He prayed that we would live our lives with our eyes fixed on Christ.  That we would always be focused on Him.
Are you satisfied with the one who is:
5. The Power behind your Spiritual Walk (col. 3:1-4:6)
    We are not held by the power of sin.  Praise the Lord for that today.  We have been freed and He has given us this freedom!
Are you satisfied with the one who is:
6. The Center of all Meaningful Relationships (col. 4:7-18)
    Every relationship, including those with non-believers are included in this.  In conclusion, are we content with this person?  Or maybe I should ask if we can be content with anything else.  We are told not to rest on feelings, but to rest wholly on Jesus Christ.  Everything, yes, I mean everything, else does not and cannot compare with the worth of knowing Christ and being known and found in Him.

One last moment as I have already described happened at the very end.  Pastor G. was quoting someone or the other, but I cannot remember who.  Anyway, he said something in there like, "we don't realize how full of love for the weak and needy God is."  And it really struck me.  Sometimes, I struggle with God really loving me as that weak and needy one, but what I must understand is that God is FULL of love for those people.  Maybe I can't understand that very well because I am not like it, but it is true of God.  He loves the weak and needy, He just does.  I can't explain it, but I am thankful it is true.

Bless the Lord o my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.  Bless the Lord o my soul, and forget not all His benefits. Psalm 103:1-2

~ A Song of Joy

May 22, 2012

How to Train Your Dragon - Movie Review

Last night I watched How to Train Your Dragon with a couple of my sisters.  They had seen it before but, it was my first time.  I must confess that I had already added the soundtrack to my music library many months ago and have enjoyed the music very much since then.  The movie was good if only for that reason!

Overall though, I thought it was all well done.  The movie had humor, good themes, and a very intriguing story.  The setting is neat and different than most movies while still retaining some of the familiar elements often found in movies; such as a main character who needs to find his place while struggling with a parent who won't listen.  There were also good supporting characters who helped keep the story funny through their different reactions to the events taking place.  I love how later on when they come around to helping Hiccup, the dragons they ride are uncannily like them.  It makes for quite a entertaining scene.

Hiccup and Toothless

Hiccups compassion and courage is shown during his encounters with the mysterious and dangerous "night fury."  These qualities are some that others think are lacking in Hiccup, yet he is all the while proving them to himself and learning how to prove them to others.  As this happens he also begins to stand up for who he truly is in his own way.  He gains respect from those he trains with in a rather odd way but this does not erase the tension between Hiccup and his dad, Stoick the Vast, which resurfaces when his dad returns.  Stoick is still expecting Hiccup to fit in with his personal definition of normal and is wanting Hiccup to be exactly what he wants and not accepting his different personality.  Eventually, Astrid, a girl in training, begins to realize that there is more to Hiccup than meets the eye and is curious to find out what it is.  They do not get along very well until Hiccup lets her in on the secrets he has kept from the others.  A ride on Toothless also helps her see things his way.

Hiccup and Astrid
They are on good terms after that, but Hiccup is still faced with the problem of telling the rest of the village what he has discovered about the dragons.  It takes real courage for him to do what he feels is right regardless of all the expectations placed on him as the son of the village leader.  He does take the plunge which, in my opinion, is his first open sign of real courage, but things do not end happily for him and the "mess" he finds himself in is much larger than when he kept secrets.  Toward the end of the story, his friends from training rally around him in order to put things to rights and save the tribe.  Hiccup's father witnesses his bravery and is also recognizes the truth in what Hiccup said.

Hiccup Showing the Others his Skill

So, this is a short review, and I feel that I have been rambling, but I thought it was a good movie and worth seeing again sometime.  I cannot really get into this review right now, but I hope y'all have enjoyed!

~ A Song of Joy

May 21, 2012

Spring Piano Recital

Well, it's that time of year!  I had my piano recital yesterday.  This has been my second semester with my teacher who is a professor at a college in our fair city... ok whatever.  Anyway, it went well... could've been better, but I have known for several weeks that I was not really quite ready.  I worked hard, though, and it came off well.  The most exciting part was that my dear friend Abby joined me for our first two piano duet together.

It was FUN! We are already planning our next two piano duet. We have done duets together for many years... I don't even know how long. We are used to playing together and I think we surprise people (like my teacher) sometimes because we think so much alike and it comes out when we practice and play together. Thanks Abby!

So, I have been keeping a low profile lately, or should I say, I haven't posted much.  Well, I have been busy with my recital and the other reason is that I have had several post topics in mind that require more work than just sitting down and typing (ie real thought) and I have been slowly working on those, but they are not yet ready.  In the meanwhile, here are some pics from my recital.

 Abby and I

My first piano teacher.

My current teacher.

 Ready? Set?



After my solo.

Wait... is that RELIEF I SEE?

Focused on getting DOWN! Ha ha!

This is my new outfit by the way.  I didn't get a good pic of it all by it's lonesome!  That's why I usually leave the fashion to people like you (Lauren!)

Oh yeah, the music in my hand reminded me to tell you what I played.  I played the first movement of a Beethoven Sonata (no. 7 op. 10 no. 3)

My grandparents. (Don't worry Grandmother, the picture is small!) :D

Daddy and me.

Lovely roses... yes, Daddy, ROSES!

MORE Roses!
The camera was doing funny things for me (prob because I don't really understand how to use it) but I thought it turned out neat despite the fading light outside.

*All pics complementary of my mom except the last two - thanks*

A musical day followed by a great meal out, but tragically concluded with a splitting headache.
Oh well, another day in the books.

~ A Song of Joy

May 17, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things...

(um-bum-bum, um-bum-bum - *with music notes floating around*)

I just love The Sound of Music, both the movie and the actual sound of music playing!  Which brings me to a few of my current favorite things... just a few.

1. I love the piano duet Abby and I are working on.  It promises to be AMAZING!!!  If you can come to my recital, you should... it's Saturday and we are both pumped to be doing our first two piano duet together!

2. I love the new outfit I bought the other day.  I may be wearing it to my recital... I'll have to think on that one, but if I do then I'll try to post a pic.

3. I love classic children's books, especially The Five Little Peppers.  I just finished it and it brought back such great memories from the first time I read it.  A great healthy/wholesome story with tons of classic charm!

4. I love occasional bursts of random-tivity!  Such as putting on this list the random fact that I love a freshly vacuumed floor!  Can I be blamed for finding great enjoyment in seeing the carpet standing up without any marks in it? (ahh... yes, I'm the kind of person who will try to step in my own footsteps to avoid marring the floor for as long as is moderately convenient, but whatever!)

5. I love singing at the top of my lungs - with or without others.  I'm so glad I have sisters that also share in this pleasure!  Which reminds me of doing so this afternoon with my big sis and also reminds me of the lyrics to a song I was just listening to...

Love the harmonies!!!  And sorry about the glitch in the sound... it was still the best one I could find.

I guess I'll wrap up with that, but thanks to "Books, Fashion, and Tea" for inspiring me to do a list! :-)
(Love your lists btw!)

~ A Song of Joy

May 10, 2012

Never Once

You know what y'all?  I don't really have a ton to say right now.  I can't think of a catchy title or profound thought, but because I have not posted in a while I wanted to give you something.

Sometimes, we get stuck in one place, and we find it hard to look back on all that God has done for us.  It is so easy to lose sight of God's promise that He will be with us.  We are not on this journey alone.  He is constantly giving grace and in Him we will overcome the world.  I know that, at least for me, it is easier to know overall that He is with me, but to forget that even in the "small" things or the little decisions He is just as present.  We have Him to trust in, why would we think that we need something else?

I'm not a contemporary music person, but I heard two of my friends sing this song and it was a good reminder for me.  Never once have we ever walked alone.

Never Once

Standing on this mountaintop 
Looking just how far we've come 
Knowing that for every step 
You were with us 
Kneeling on this battle ground 
Seeing just how much You've done 
Knowing every victory 
Is Your power in us 

Scars and struggles on the way 
But with joy our hearts can say 
Yes, our hearts can say 
Never once did we ever walk alone 
Never once did You leave us on our own 
You are faithful, God, You are faithful 

Carried by Your constant grace
Held within Your perfect peace
Never once, no, we never walk alone 

Every step we are breathing in Your grace 
Evermore we'll be breathing out Your praise 
You are faithful, God, You are faithful 
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Matt Redman

*If your music preferences are much like mine then you might not like the style of the song much. It is contemporary and thus had quite a bit of repetition, so I took some out.*

~ A Song of Joy

May 2, 2012

May 1, 1920

Does anyone know what happened on this very important day?







My Grandmother was born!  If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be!

Happy 92nd Birthday!

I hope I will get around to posting pictures of the ladies she had over for lunch and chicken foot... and let me just say, that I have NEVER heard Happy Birthday sound as cute as it did today!

I have a crazy week ahead between stage manager, music stuff, and kitchen, so I don't know when I'll post next.

~ A Song of Joy