May 21, 2012

Spring Piano Recital

Well, it's that time of year!  I had my piano recital yesterday.  This has been my second semester with my teacher who is a professor at a college in our fair city... ok whatever.  Anyway, it went well... could've been better, but I have known for several weeks that I was not really quite ready.  I worked hard, though, and it came off well.  The most exciting part was that my dear friend Abby joined me for our first two piano duet together.

It was FUN! We are already planning our next two piano duet. We have done duets together for many years... I don't even know how long. We are used to playing together and I think we surprise people (like my teacher) sometimes because we think so much alike and it comes out when we practice and play together. Thanks Abby!

So, I have been keeping a low profile lately, or should I say, I haven't posted much.  Well, I have been busy with my recital and the other reason is that I have had several post topics in mind that require more work than just sitting down and typing (ie real thought) and I have been slowly working on those, but they are not yet ready.  In the meanwhile, here are some pics from my recital.

 Abby and I

My first piano teacher.

My current teacher.

 Ready? Set?



After my solo.

Wait... is that RELIEF I SEE?

Focused on getting DOWN! Ha ha!

This is my new outfit by the way.  I didn't get a good pic of it all by it's lonesome!  That's why I usually leave the fashion to people like you (Lauren!)

Oh yeah, the music in my hand reminded me to tell you what I played.  I played the first movement of a Beethoven Sonata (no. 7 op. 10 no. 3)

My grandparents. (Don't worry Grandmother, the picture is small!) :D

Daddy and me.

Lovely roses... yes, Daddy, ROSES!

MORE Roses!
The camera was doing funny things for me (prob because I don't really understand how to use it) but I thought it turned out neat despite the fading light outside.

*All pics complementary of my mom except the last two - thanks*

A musical day followed by a great meal out, but tragically concluded with a splitting headache.
Oh well, another day in the books.

~ A Song of Joy

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