August 31, 2012

Rain-dom Pics

Here are a couple snapshots I took out in our yard during the rain this afternoon.
I just love the rain.

This afternoon, our power went out. We had already planned on getting 
Caitlin some beef before she leaves for a whole six months without it!
 Her choice was:

Caitlin and me

Caitlin, me, Caleb, 
Catherine, bBj, GrandM, D, and 
M who took this one for me.

We enjoyed our last family meal for what will be a very long time.
Sadness and tears.

Well, I work tomorrow, so I must retire.
~ A Song of Joy  

1 comment:

  1. Those 'rain' photos are so pretty!
    I l.o.v.e the rocks and water pic!

    Yum!Good choice Caitlin!lol
    .....You'll be missed!:(

    Holt5 <3 (@)
